I've developed and maintained cutting-edge applications and solutions. Witness my passion for creating exceptional web experiences.
Create React Package
Open-Source Project
Create React Package is a command-line build tool for creating, building, testing, and publishing React Libraries.
Many developers struggle with setting the boilerplate for React Libraries as it requires installing and configuring a compiler, bundler, test runner, and various build tools. Create React Package integrates these build tools and provides a seamless, optimized, easy-to-use build pipeline for creating React Libraries.
With Create React Package, developers get:
- CJS, ESM, and UMD builds of the library
- Rollup, Babel, ESLint, and Jest pre-configured
- Ability to customize all the build tools
- Integrated Playground
- TypeScript and Storybook support
- Out-of-the-box support for CSS, SASS, and JSON files
- Treeshaking, Code-splitting, and separate dev/production builds
- Pre-configured Browserslist to control the output JavaScript and CSS assets
- Better DX and maintainability with just one dependency
NodeJSTypeScriptReactRollupBabelESLintJestStorybookCentral Pro Services
Central Pro Services is a renowned renovation service provider in the United States. I was privileged to contribute to enhancing and streamlining the organization's operations through developing and maintaining software.
- Optimized the order and sales systems by implementing advanced features for managing Teams, Technicians, and Pricing of the Products and Services. Leading to increased customer satisfaction and repeat business.
- Improved software architecture; implemented modern coding and testing principles and CI/CD for faster and more reliable releases.

Guillermo Vazquez
Director of Business Development at Central Pro Services
ReactReduxNodeJSMongoDBSASSMaterial UIHeroku
Pawket Treats
Pawket Treats is a platform for selling dog treats. Built on Shopify, powered by an exclusive custom app.
Co-architected and led the development of the custom app, empowering its customers with:
- One-step checkout.
- Customer authentication and order confirmation via SMS.
- Custom-built subscription model with automatic subscription confirmation and payment charging.
- One-time and recurring order payments (with 3D Secure). Powered by Stripe.
- Customer support via text with a real-time messaging interface for admins.
ReactReduxNodeJSWeb SocketsMongoDBShopifyStripeTwilio